Friday, February 27, 2015

the first rise

The beginning of the adventure. I have so many recipes bursting inside my mind.
I love to cook. I love to bake. I love to talk...and to write.
I make dessert once (ideally) a week and I'd like to share it with you. I'm learning to make delicious things look pretty as well ( i got delicious down pat--still working on pretty!)

Sometimes I will bake. Sometimes I will cook.
Sometimes I will vent, whine, write and talk and write and talk--did I mention that I am very wordy???
Hopefully this will keep me off the "Book of Faces" ...doubt it though! LOL!

Cakes, breads, cookies, jams, jellies, pasta, soups, salads, meat, vegetarian, vegan, raw....

Let's begin, shall we? ;)